What is a Spinal Thermal Scan?

The principles behind the neuroTHERMAL™ Scanner Thermal readings have been used among chiropractors and other wellness specialists for more than a century to monitor health and wellness. Thermal technology was first used for chiropractic care in 1924 by Dr. B.J. Palmer. Since then, thermal readings have been repeatedly cited as an accurate way for chiropractors to gain actionable insight into each patient’s well-being and how it is influenced by chiropractic care. Thermography is just one of the channels through which CLA’s INSiGHT™ system breaks new ground in reliable and actionable analytics for chiropractors.

The neuroTHERMAL Scanner measures paraspinal temperature differential. A significant difference in the temperature on each side of the spine could indicate a lack of autonomic responsiveness, an important indicator that something could be wrong with one or more organs.

How does the neuroTHERMAL™ Scanner function? The INSiGHT neuroTHERMAL™ Scanner is a rolling segmental thermal scanner that uses infrared sensors to take temperature readings. This innovative piece of chiropractic equipment was designed to evaluate autonomic nerve function. It uses normative comparison and reporting based on data from the Journal of Neurosurgery. For chiropractors and patients, the neuroTHERMAL™ Scanner presents an opportunity to establish a baseline for temperature differentials that can be referred to throughout the course of care. From here, chiropractors can help patients identify signs of progress and gauge where there is room for improvement on the path to greater wellness.In addition, the neuroTHERMAL™ Scanner has an adjustable sensor array. This patented breakthrough lets chiropractors take readings from any sized spine whether it be newborn, infant, child or adult. Chiropractors who currently care for children or are interested in developing a larger family practice. Chiropractors who currently treat children, or are interested in branching out to younger patients have one clear choice when it comes to infrared technology: the neuroTHERMAL™ Scanner.

To learn more about the neuroTHERMAL™  Scanner and the INSiGHT™ scanning technology platform, contact CLA today.

CLA’s patented
INSiGHT™ scanning technology represents the cutting edge in chiropractic analytical equipment, producing detailed and easily understandable readings on wellness benchmarks. The neuroTHERMAL™ Scanner contributes to this bigger picture of patient wellness by measuringtemperature differentials.
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The initial exam shows the stress area's on the spine

The initial exam shows the stress area's on the spine

The follow up exam shows a much healthier, less stressed spine

The follow up exam shows a much healthier, less stressed spine